Messy but Marvelous: Marvelous Adoption
Few things challenge a believer’s faith like silence. Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed earnestly for a child, without any response. Finally, the Lord sent a message of hope—they would have a special son. Zechariah was floored.

Messy but Marvelous: Marvelous Hope
At the birth of Christ, the angels announced good news and great joy meant for all people, but not everyone saw it that way: Herod reacted to the birth of Jesus with fear, opposition, and abhorrent violence.

Messy but Marvelous: Marvel at God’s Glory
Today we take a deeper look at the birth of Jesus. It is not just the details of his birth that are remarkable. Rather, the reason he was born—what he came to do and be—is most marvelous to the hearts and minds of sinners like us.

Messy but Marvelous: Marvelous Peace in the Mess
This evening's worship is an adaptation of “The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols” first introduced at King’s College in Cambridge, England, on Christmas Eve of 1918.

Messy but Marvelous: Mercy in the Mess
Christmas is right around the corner. Are you ready? For so many of us, we have lists that are not finished, homes that are not quite ready, and lives that feel frenzied and frantic.

Messy but Marvelous: Joy in the Mess
The season leading up to Christmas can be filled with all kinds of messiness—especially relational tensions and conflicts. Many people grow frustrated when the most wonderful time of the year devolves into something mostly draining and exhausting.

Messy but Marvelous: Discernment in the Midst of the Mess
The last thing anyone wants this time of year is another thing to do. So today, when we hear John the Baptist preach a fiery message about repentance, we may not be real excited to be hearers and doers of God’s Word.

Messy but Marvelous: Confidence Despite the Mess
How do you get ready for Christmas? Many begin to prepare their homes and hearts with music, decorations, and all kinds of baked goods. These traditions help us mark a shift in the season and prepare us for the joy of Christmas.

Good News: Is Faithful
With the pressure to be perfectly obedient taken away from us, we rejoice, pray, and give thanks because God has given us everlasting and adaptable joy. Rejoice in the Lord!

Good News: Brings Comfort
God wants us to examine our hearts and minds. This week we see the Lord’s investment in this preparation in the person and work of John the Baptist.

Good News: Is Worth the Wait
In the Old Testament, God’s people watched and waited for the Messiah’s first coming. So we, too, wait for our Savior’s birth—Christmas’ joy & peace—and our Savior’s triumphant return.