Online Worship Tips
Being able to worship online, when necessary, can be a tremendous blessing. However, it can also come with many challenges. We’ve put together a list of tips and suggestions for you to consider as you prepare to worship online.
Find a place in your home where you are most free from distractions. Put all phones on silent and turn off the TV (unless you’re using it to stream worship).
Online worship is designed to be watched on the largest streaming screen you have available. If you have a smart TV or a streaming box, download the Vimeo app and search for “River of Life Lutheran Church” to watch online.
Encourage everyone present to pause for a moment in private prayer and quietness. Remember, online worship will not be the same as public worship, but they will be indelibly marked on our minds and hearts.
Take a moment to pray before worship begins.
Not sure what to pray? Here’s a suggested prayer for you:
Lord Jesus, be with us and strengthen us by your Word. Open our ears and fill our hearts with trust in your eternal promises. Remove all distractions, doubts, and fears as we worship and praise your holy name. Amen.