Good News: Brings Comfort

Good News: Brings Comfort

The season of Advent is one of anticipation. Last week Jesus implored us to watch for his return carefully. He guided us to examine our hearts and minds so that we would not be caught napping. This week we see the Lord’s investment in this preparation in the person and work of John the Baptist. John is a man of humility and mission. He implores people to repent of their sins but is unafraid to confront those confident in their own righteousness. As we make our preparations for Christ’s second coming, the message of John lifts our eyes to the coming Christ. In him we have lasting comfort and peace. Appropriately, this Sunday’s advent candle is known as the Peace candle. As our attention shifts toward Bethlehem, we recognize this child is the Prince of Peace and our Lord of Life.


Good News: Is Faithful


Good News: Is Worth the Wait