Messy but Marvelous: Marvelous Adoption

Few things challenge a believer’s faith like silence. Zechariah and Elizabeth prayed earnestly for a child, without any response. Finally, the Lord sent a message of hope—they would have a special son. Zechariah was floored. How? Why now? He couldn't believe this good news. The LORD provided a sign tailored for Zechariah— silence. This brush with an angel had left Zechariah unable to speak until the LORD kept his promises. Our Gospel text is bursting with peace and joy! This peace and joy are extended to many more through the work of our Triune God. The Father sent his one and only Son to give us a new status—we are adopted as sons, too! What’s more, the Spirit proceeds from the Father to give each of us personal and persistent assurance that we are children of the Heavenly Father.


Salvation Unfolds: To the Nations


Messy but Marvelous: Marvelous Hope