Salvation Unfolds: Through Proclamation

In our Gospel reading, Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to be his disciples. But why these men? According to Peter’s self-assessment, it was not because of his own righteousness. Jesus doesn’t argue with his evaluation, nor does the Lord refute Isaiah’s claim that he is a man of unclean lips. But the Lord still calls these men. They are not clean, but he has washed them and empowered them with his Word. Isaiah and Peter had nearly ruinous encounters with the Lord of hosts. Immediately upon seeing the Lord and hearing the angelic choirs, they are unraveled because of their unrighteousness. How does the Lord respond? His messengers bring a word of cleansing and hope. This is the Word that we have heard and the Word we are to proclaim because it has the power to create faith and save unrighteous souls. Anyone who believes in Jesus will never be put to shame!


Salvation Unfolds: With Sufficient Grace


ALA Sunday: Living God’s Love