Live Like You’ll Live Forever: Exceedingly Generous

In a land where the pursuit of happiness is precious and pricey, few things are more sacred than our possessions. Jesus was right when he said Mt. 6:21 Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Our focus today is on the lagging indicator of our heart—how we use the material goods at our disposal. In Zarephath, we meet a woman who is scraping the bottom of the barrel in a tough economy. The Lord sends his servant Elijah with a strange and stretching request. Share what little you have with the Lord’s servant, first, trusting that God will provide according to his promise. She did the unthinkable and God did the unimaginable. In our other readings, we see people in similarly dire straits responding with overwhelming generosity because they, too, trusted God would prove faithful and provide for all our needs. God is always good.


Live Like You’ll Live Forever: Primed & Ready


Live Like You’ll Live Forever: Fueled by Love