Follow Me: & Be Great
Selfish ambition and jealousy are from the devil, and as popular today as they were in Jesus’ day. Not only do they add to the suffering of our fellow man, but it also hinders the proclamation of the gospel. The peace that comes from the gospel is crowded out by disorder and strife. Where those virtues are found among God’s people, there the gospel of righteousness from him is sown in peace for the everlasting peace of those who hear and receive it. So let us resist the siren songs of Me first! and It’s not fair the way they treat me and don’t appreciate me. Instead, let God worry about justice while we worry about serving and then serving yet more. That is what Jesus did all the way to the cross, all the way to hell and back just for us! Gentleness and unselfish service are virtues that imitate Christ’s own perfect gentleness and unselfish service to us.