Spared: From Humiliation for Celebration

During Holy Week, the family of believers gathers to praise God for the great acts of love through which he has redeemed us through Jesus Christ. The journey of Lent has prepared our hearts to ponder anew the Passion of our Lord and his glorious triumph over death and grave. With repentant hearts, we join our Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem, confident in his everlasting rule, hailing him as our Eternal King. Palm Sunday sets the tone for everything we need to know about how our King & God’s kingdom works. Jesus goes to battle for us—facing sin, death, and devil in our place. This King of glory is our Messiah, the promised Son of David sent as the sacrificial Lamb of God. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, for he comes to bring peace from heaven to earth.


Spared: And Strengthened


Spared: Redeemed & Reunited