Enduring Joy: The Joy of Real Reconciliation

We typically look for the most qualified candidate for a job. God makes a habit of calling the unfit and the unworthy to be his own through his Word! This Word makes people what they were not and could never imagine being, as it does for Andrew, Simon, James, and John. As we marvel at the power of this Gospel, we’re shown that salvation can only be a gift of God, never a work of man. From our perspective, Jonah was an unfit workman. From our perspective, Nineveh deserved destruction. But God called both to repentance and showed the power of his Word in reconciling both the stubborn prophet and the wicked city to himself. God doesn’t count our sins against us because of the saving work of his Son. God continues to reconcile sinners to himself through flawed ambassadors like us. Our ambassadorial ability and appeal come from God. He reconciled us to himself through Christ. He gives us this ministry. To God be glory!

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Enduring Joy: The Joy of Refuge


Enduring Joy: The Joy of New Life