Spared: Through, Not From, Suffering

Last week, Jesus did battle for us in the wilderness—facing Satan’s temptations and triumphing over “the old, evil foe.” In today’s readings, the Devil attacks more covertly. In a matter of moments, everything that Job had been blessed with—including all he had worked hard for—was gone. This was nothing less than an attack of Satan on his faith. How did he respond? By praising the name of the Lord—putting into practice the encouraging words we hear from Paul in Romans 5. In the Gospel reading, Jesus faces this same temptation—and it comes from someone he loves and loves him. But even if Peter could have claimed that he had his heart in the right place, it was deceitful beyond all measure. Jesus could not have accomplished his mission if he avoided suffering. Jesus could not redeem sinners without a shameful death on the cross. This is why he forcefully rebukes Peter, because he came to save us from our sins.


Spared: By God’s Wisdom Not Ours


Spared: Because God Is for Us