Good News: Means Peace

Whenever we approach the conclusion of a year, we are wont to reflect on our past and consider our future. This is the time of year many people make plans to improve their physical and financial health. They make big promises to themselves to make big changes. Unfortunately, we know how long that lasts. More often than not, big promises are broken. Big plans become big flops. In our Gospel reading, we meet two individuals who had big hopes—but not in themselves. The prophetess Anna praised God for all the things that his Son would do—and she told everyone nearby. Simeon, the Lord’s servant, had been told that he would see the consolation of Israel, God’s Messiah, before he saw death. God kept that promise and Simeon held his Savior in his arms, praising God for the peace and deliverance that Jesus would accomplish.


Good News: For the World


Full of Grace & Truth